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KBR Global IT Solutions is a well-established and growth oriented high-end IT consultant and software Development Company that provides expert consulting and uses latest generation software technologies
PHP PHP Website Benefits PHP Website Template PHP Real Estate Website Template PHP Fitness Website Template PHP Portal Template PHP Travel Website Template PHP Real Estate Website Template
  • Project Cost is low: Using the PHP, Sites will be created with in very low budgets.
  • It Is Fast: The main advantage of using PHP is that it works fast on websites. Embedded in HTML, the PHP code takes much lesser time to process and load in browser. Hence it makes a web page work quickly.
  • Server Side Code: Using PHP we should be able to write the server side code. We should be able to create very nice dynamic sites.
  • My SQL enabled web sites (Database Driven Web Site): Using the PHP we should be able to interact with the my sql. You should be able to display, add, update the data with the User Interface easily.
  • It is Free: The software of PHP language is not only available free of cost according to the PHP license but also comes compatible with the GNU General Public License or GPL, thus making it easily downloadable by anyone anytime.
  • It’s Easy: While there are many scripting languages that are complicated and confusing for web developer, PHP comes across as an easy to understand language. Mostly developers mix PHP with HTML codes to develop websites of higher quality and standard.
  • Maintain and Support Cost also low: With the popularity of PHP rising high, Maintenance Cost is very minimal and Support cost also less.
  • Every Individual, who needs web sites for their Business should be able to have the PHP web sites with very low maintenance Charges.
Hosting Environments for PHP

If you are not having the setup to host your sites, then don’t worry. In Market there are different hosting providers, and you should be able to host your site with very less Cost

If you want to have your own hosting environment for your web sites, then you should be able to have one server hosting environment or you should be able to have multi Server Hosting Environments.

If you are not having the website and wanted to have one for very low Price – Why are you thinking? You are few steps away to have your own website.

If you already having the web Site and wanted to have enhance it? Why are you waiting? You are few clicks away to get your budget cote.

PHP Development: PHP, HTML, CSS, Java Script and My Sql

Features of PHP:

  • HTTP authentication with PHP
  • Cookies
  • Sessions
  • Dealing with XForms
  • Handling file uploads
  • POST method uploads
  • Error Messages Explained
  • Common Pitfalls
  • Uploading multiple files
  • PUT method support
  • Using remote files
  • Connection handling
  • Persistent Database Connections
  • Safe Mode
  • Security and Safe Mode
  • Functions restricted/disabled by safe mode
  • Command line usage — Using PHP from the command line
  • Introduction
  • Differences to other SAPIs
  • Options — Command line options
  • Usage — Executing PHP files
  • I/O streams — Input/output streams
  • Interactive shell
  • Built-in web server
  • INI settings
  • Garbage Collection
  • Reference Counting Basics
  • Collecting Cycles
  • Performance Considerations
PHP list

  • phplist is an open-source newsletter manager and is easy to integrate with any website.
  • phplist is downloaded more than 10 000 times per month and is listed in the top open source projects for vitality score on Freshmeat.

phplist Features

  • phplist is a one-way email announcement delivery system It is great for newsletters, publicity lists, notifications, and many other uses. (It is different from group mailing list systems like mailman.)
  • The Web Interface lets you write and send messages, and manage phplist over the internet.
  • phplist keeps sending messages from your web server, even after you shut down your computer.
  • 100 000 + subscribers. phplist is designed to manage mailing lists with hundreds of thousands of subscribers. phplist is excellent with smaller lists too!
  • No duplicate messages. No 'forgotten' messages. phplist manages message delivery with a message queue, ensuring that every subscriber gets the email message, and that no subscribers receive two copies, even if they're subscribed to more than one list!
  • Open/View Tracking tells you how many users opened your email message. This provides a minimum statistic, as many email clients with privacy or security policies block images (gmail, thunderbird, and others).
  • Click Tracking tracks links and URLs. Statistics can be viewed by message, URL or subscriber.
  • Multiple Subscribe Pages allow you to choose many different combinations of templates, languages, user attributes and lists.
  • Templates are completely customizable, and make site integration a breeze.
  • Multiple Templates on different subscribe pages can integrate phplist with several different web sites.
  • Subscriber Attributes like 'name', 'country', and other personal information, are completely customizable. You can specify what information you need to get from users when they subscribe.
  • User Specific Content. You can use Subscriber Attributes in message content to make each and every email message personalized with the subscribers name, country, or any other attribute.
  • HTML email messages. Subscribers can be given the choice between text or html email messages. You decide whether subscribers can choose, what the default choice is, and what format a message is sent in: text only, html only, or both!
  • The HTML Editor allows you to edit html messages from phplist using FCKeditor. TinyMCE is also available.
  • Internationalization. phplist is available in English, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Traditional Chinese, Dutch, Vietnamese and Japanese and translation work is in progress for other languages.
  • Easy Install via Fantastico, FTP upload, or SSH.
  • Multiple List Administrators. The super-admin can assign lists to List Managers, who can manage their users and lists. The super-admin user can 'prepare' messages that can be sent by list managers to their lists.
  • Subscriber Preferences. Every email message contains personalized URLs for subscribers to update their preferences or unsubscribe. Subscribers can update their own information and keep your database up to date. Unlike most other mailing list managers, in phplist subscribers can change their email address.
  • The User Management tools are excellent to manage and maintain large databases of subscribers.
  • Bounce Processing keeps your database clean of unused and non-existent email addresses.
  • Advanced Bounce handling let's you teach phplist to distinguish between permanent and temporary message-delivery errors. You can define automated actions on receipt of bounce messages according to matches with your regular expressions.
  • CSV Import and Export. Use CSV and tab delimited files to import your existing list of users or to export the users on the phplist system for use in your in-house database. phplist's database has a 'foreign key' to help keep multiple copies of databases synchronized without duplicating users.
  • Attachments can be uploaded and included in messages for download.
  • Send a Web page. Tell phplist the URL of a web page you want to send to your users, and phplist will fetch it and send it. You can even put subscriber-specific parameters in the URL.
  • RSS feeds can be automatically sent to a mailing list weekly, daily, or monthly.
  • PDF messages can be automatically created and sent as attachments to ensure that your message is seen the way it was designed by all your subscribers, regardless of their email message reader.
  • Batch Processing is useful in shared hosting environments. Set the maximum number of sent messages in a given time period.
  • Throttling can limit the load on your server so it doesn't overload.
  • Domain Throttling limits the number of emails to specific domains to keep on the friendly side of their system administrators.
  • Scheduled Sending let's you tell phplist when the message is to be sent.
  • Repetition. A message can be repeated automatically to send updated dynamic content and attachments.
  • Text from HTML. Text email messages are managed fluently in phplist. phplist will automatically create a text version of an html message. Optionally the message composer can create it manually.
  • PGP signing and encrypting (soon). Send your message digitally signed or encrypted, or both.
  • Email to Fax (soon). Configure the details of your favorite email 2 fax gateway and phplist will send the HTML version of the message as a PDF attachment to your fax gateway. The fax will include the images in the HTML.
  • Integration with other tools. Several systems exist on the internet that integrate phplist with your favorite CMS or blogging tool. Check out the Documentation for a list.

Customizable Transition Effects

Customizable Transition Effects

* Dedicated developer(s): If you want dedicated developer(s) for your Project/ Application Development, we will provide.

* Dedicated Support: If you want dedicated developer(s) for your Project/ Application Support, we will provide.

* Part Time Developers: We will provide the part time Developer(s) for Project/Application Development.

* Part Time Support: We will provide the part time Developer(s) for Project/Application support based on your requirement.

* Resources will work on Client Side.

* Resources will work from Remote Location.

* We are having Onsite Development/Support Model (USA)

* We are having Offshore Development/Support Model (INDIA)

* Working on all types of budgets (from low Budgets to very high Budgets)